Obama bars U.S. entry for violators of LGBT human rights abroad | Washington Blade – America’s Leading Gay News Source

Obama bars U.S. entry for violators of LGBT human rights abroad | Washington Blade – America’s Leading Gay News Source.


I just want to say that for those who keep putting Obama down on his record for gay and lesbian issues, please thing again.  He has done more for the LGBT community than any other president in history.  Remember that next year when voting.  Will Romney or Perry or Huntsman or Bachmann do the same things?  I don’t think so. Not that I am single issue voter, but I refuse to vote for someone who wants to take away my rights as a human being.

If there were a Republican candidate and a Democratic candidate and they both believed the same things on LGBT issues, then I would be able to look at them both and think which one would be better.  However, right now that is not the case.  I hope some day it will be.

2 thoughts on “Obama bars U.S. entry for violators of LGBT human rights abroad | Washington Blade – America’s Leading Gay News Source

  1. M. Bachmann scares the kibble out of me. In some ways I think she would be even worse then Sarah Palin in a major public office. Every time I here something she says it’s how she wants to gut this that or the other and that’s without ligical reason for doing it. And yes, I’m very liberal, but I am willing to listen if someone has a logical argument to put forth.

  2. Bachmann is just plain scary. She lies and never met a fact she couldn’t destroy. I just do not think she or Palin could win a general election. The one to watch is Perry v. Romney. I was just saying to a friend, Romney is more centrist; however, he changes his positions more than his magical underwear. Perry could win the nomination based on his Tea Party cred, but I don’t think he stands a chance in a general election. All Obama has to do is play a commercial with Perry talking about seceding from the union and that would be it. Now, Perry and Romney could split and allow Bachmann to slip in or Santorum, yet again, there is no path to victory for either of them. The only nominees with a chance in a general election would be Romney or Huntsman.

    Thank you for your comment by the way.

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